Upload Already-Furnished Photos on Virtual Staging!
As requested by many users, now you’re able to upload already-furnished photos on our
AI Virtual Staging.
Just turn on the ‘Remove Furniture’ toggle (as you can see below) before clicking on generate button so our AI can remove all items automatically!
Remove Unwanted Items from AI Virtual Staging Result!
We have added a highly anticipated feature to our AI Virtual Staging tool: Removing Unwanted Items!
- Is a furniture blocking the hallway on mistake? Mask it and see it vanish instantly!
- Don’t like a certain furniture or decoration on your photo? Mask it and see it vanish instantly!
- Something (anything!) ruining a decent result? Mask it and see it vanish instantly!
Download Photos with “Virtually Staged” Label
Requested by many real estate professionals, now you’re able to download your results with “Virtually Staged” label attached to them.
This is because many MLSs in the USA require agents to label virtually staged photos to avoid deception of potential home buyers!
Bookmark Your Result: Never Lose Your Favorite Ones!
Now you’re able to bookmark your favorite AI results to make sure you will never lose them among all the other pictures.
In “Generated Photos” page you will be able to find “Bookmarks” tab. There, you will find all of your bookmarked pictures!
3 New Room Types on AI Virtual Staging
After extensive research and developments, we have added 3 new room types to our highly used
AI Virtual Staging tool:
- Single Bedroom
- Living Room
- Outdoor
Let’s take a look at these new room types together:
Single Bedroom: Add a Cozy Vibe
Living Room: Add a Lively Vibe
Outdoor: Sell the Potential
I invite you to test these new features and room types for yourself and send us your feedback on support@aihomedesign.com
Keep in mind that without your feedback, we cannot truly understand if the new room types or all the other features are up to your standards or not.